Thursday, March 11, 2004


I've placed new links on this website just for fun. The EYE link will take you to a gallery full of eye pictures. As for Anime, well...wat can I say but I am a comic freak and the link will take you guys to a website dedicated to the characters that I will be showcasing soon. The pics that u see here r of Himura Kenshin aka Hitokiri Battousai & his teacher/sensei, Hiko Sejuiro XIII. Both masters of the Hiten Misturugi Ryu Order, the novel depth depicted about their swordsmanship was the most intriguing part that attracted me to this anime.
Would get Mandom's squeeze to help me out in reconstructing this site soon. That is if she aint too bz! hehehe...With what I have in mind, it'll blow away even Ez Jazz's Jazzy site! Til then...RobinGDFellow bid all adieu...& fun browsing the anime!