Thursday, August 31, 2006

Black Magic
Perhaps it seems strange to some but the art of Black Magic itself exists in several incarnations though we'll be focusing much on Malay Black Magic. This however, do not mean that Malays are more prone to have beliefs of such aspects of the supernatural. Invoking of spirits, wax-dolls & charms are practices that occur in many societies world wide. And this includes the supposedly far advanced western world. Documented literature that suggests such practice goes way back during Shakespearen times (Macbeth 4:1).
Mat Kilau's Invulnerability charm.

Employing wax dolls upon a victim is somewhat the most common of all malicious black magic technique. It is interesting to note that this same technique is being used by practitioners of this art world wide, which beckons the questioning as to how this came about. Did some witch travel across the globe to spread her evil teachings like some mercenary? Or did the devil himself spread this phenomena? Within this context, it would seem logical as this particular technique had been in existence eversince babylonian times. It would be interesting to discuss the origins but it would be very taxing and deviating from the subject matter at hand.

The most common wax doll charms used by the bomohs requires him to employ representative parts of the victim's body such as hair, nails, etc. These items are then mixed with melted candle wax which are then fashioned into a male or female doll. This is then slowly scorched in a flame for a period of seven nights while reciting some mantra which is a formula for this technique. On the 7th night, the remaining wax doll is thrown into the fire. It is thought to be as the wax melts away, so does the life force of the victim.

Another variation of this technique intending to produce similar results but more effectively, is by introducing the use of a charm. The charm seen here is known as the Barisan Laksmana. It was originally a Hindu talisman thought to be drawn by Rama's half brother, Laksmana, to protect Rama's wife Sita from Rawana, a demon king. For this charm to be effective, it must be drawn in a single operation without lifting the writing apparatus from the surface of where the charm is drawn, while holding a single breath and the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth. When it is done, this charm is placed within the wax doll and smokes it in fumes of benzoin incense or kemenyan while reciting the following incantations:

Bismillahi rahmaanir rahiim (In the Name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate)

Assalaaamu alaikum (Peace be upon you)

Hei Jinn putih, Nur Muhammad (Hei white Genie, Radiance of Muhammad)

Raja sekelian jin dalam diri aku (King of all spirits within me)

Hei jinn hitam, bayang²an aku (Hei black genie, shadow of myself)

Pergilah engkau binasakan seteru (Away with tou and destroy my enemy)

Jika engkau tidak pergi binasakan seteruku (If you don't go and destroy my enemy)

Durhakalah engkau kepada Allah (You will be a traitor toward Allah)

Dengan berkat doa (By the virtue of the prayer-charm)

La ilaaha illallah (There is no other God except Allah)

Muhammadur rasullullah (And Muhammad is the messenger of God)