Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tell Me Where It Hurts

Many women failed to understand the mechanics of the male emotion, which leads them to miscontrue this somehow complex male behaviour as being insensitive. This is one of the reasons why members of the opposite sex often end up in an arguments and fights. It will take a while before the female intuition kicks in, only to realize that he had behaved as such because he doesn't know how to express his feelings.
Nature had intended that the human male, at some degree, be detached from his emotions. This is, believe it or not, a survival trait encoded deep inside his DNA. This natural circuit breaker gives Man control over himself.
Contrary to popular belief, Men are actually, at times, more emotional than Women. These emotions comes in quantum packets of explosive signals to the brain, heightening the blood pressure, temperature and adrenaline levels of the human body causing them to simmer at dangerous levels until he explodes emotionally. However, a Man's ability to control himself during these situations has become a measurement of his strength.
Yet, over time, he would learn to have better control also means having to share these emotions. Dispersing the pent up energy slowly is a better way to release these emotions.

***yet another deviant blog from me...I guess I'm just avoiding from having to deal with some stuff right now. not being able to express in writing..?? *gasp*