Sunday, September 03, 2006

Spirits, Sprites & Spooks

The theory that presumes Malay magicians or those who have acquired such esoteric knowledge of this mystical world, is that the universe is activated by some cosmic force that permeates all creation. Acquisition of this knowledge would allow the magician the ability to control and manipulate his universe, both animate and inanimate in such a way to produce results which would otherwise thought impossible.

This cosmic force begets many manifestations. Such ethereal entities are known, among others, as gods, ghosts, demons & djinns. These entities can be considered either good or evil, depending on its purpose being invoked for.

The Penanggalan is a spook that floats about in the air with its innards attached.

This is supposedly to be a Toyol, immobolized by a bomoh. A Toyol carries a master's bidding, usually to steal others' valuables.

Top picture: The Langsuir, Bottom: Langsuir after being subdued by a bomoh.